Tityus bahiensis (Perty, 1833)

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Common name: unknown
Scientific Name: Tityus bahiensis
Range: Brazil
Type: Arborial
Communal: In small numbers
Full Grown Size: 2-2.5"
Growth Rate: Fast
Temperature: 75-90F (25-32C)
Humidity: 70-80%
Temperment: Aggressive
Speed: Fast
Venom: 5
Diet: Young can eat Pinhead crickets, small roaches, meal worms. Adults can eat large crickets, roaches, super worms.
Housing: Adults large critter keeper, 5 gallon tank, or rubbermaid type container. Young can live in small critter keepers or large deli cups
Substrate Depth/Type: 2-3" of peat/soil with wood for climbing
More info: Tityus species are fairly new to the hobby and demand a high price. Tityus bahiensis is yet another beautiful scorpion with its bright orange and contrasting black colors. This scorpion is also from Brazil where it is often confused with Tityus serrulatus which looks fairly similar. Both are highly venomous.

Because of the toxicity of this species, it is for experience keepers only.

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